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Tilehurst is Brilliant!

by merioconnell on 7 November, 2013

(This blog entry was originally written on 20.02.12 and posted on the Reading Lib Dem Website

Susan Bearder MEP takes time out of the campaign trail to join Meri for a cake and a cuppa at the Link community cafe

Catherine Bearder MEP takes time out of the campaign trail to join Meri for cake and a cuppa at the Link café in Tilehurst


I begin by saying that any thoughts expressed in this blog are mine and might not represent the views of the Liberal Democrat Party as a whole, but I’m presuming that anyone reading this probably wants to know a little bit more about the person who is asking the for their vote on May the 3rd.

My dilemma is where to start with letting the people of Tilehurst know what their local Lib Dem team have been doing for them since throughout the year. One of the reasons that I joined the Tilehurst Lib Dems is because I could see, first hand, how much time and energy they put in to support the local community and to improve things in Tilehurst and I wanted to be part of that.

I met Peter Beard when I became a parent governor at my children’s school. Peter is also on the board of Governors and I was impressed at his commitment to making the school the best it can be. I chatted with him after meetings and, at the last general election offered to put a board up in front of my house in support of the Lib Dems . Be warned if you are interested in getting involved in local politics, you start off with a board and some posters and end up standing for council!

After the election I offered to deliver some of their Council Topics. Tilehurst Residents will be well aware of Council Topics – I think at last count 176 editions of this little communication has gone out to residents over the years! As a Tilehurst person for the past 18 years, I had noticed that neither of the other two main parties bothered to contact residents apart from at election time, whereas the Tilehurst Lib Dems kept in touch all year round. I am a person who likes to get things done and for me, this was the local party of action not just talk about action.

Once I had met Ricky Duveen ,Chris Harris and Peter Beard there was no going back for me. The work they do day in day out, month after month, year after year, is mostly not published. It would be wrong to tell the world about individuals’ problems and struggles. Also, I don’t think most people want to know the mundane day to day things councils are doing, you just want to know that those things are being done. That’s why you elect people to represent you – so that they can take care of the boring bits of keeping a community running, so you can get on with life.

But as I have this chance, I want to let you know that your local Lib Dem team never stop knocking on doors asking how they can help, we’re doing Residents Surveys and responding to phone calls and emails daily. Your Lib Dem councillors report faulty street lights, get pot holes fixed, consult with you on parking and road markings. They get things replaced and repaired in council properties, liaise with the parks and planning departments on your behalf. They contact the Streets team when there is fly tipping or dog mess and they help residents from all walks of life and in all circumstances to navigate the maze that local government can sometimes appear to be.

There’s no glory or big publicity to be gained from dealing with the continuous flow of work these small tasks create, but for the people that they help, it can make a massive difference to their quality of life.

When Peter told me that he would not be standing for election again I knew it would be a real loss to Tilehurst, when I said that to him, he suggested that I stand in his stead and make sure that the good work continues. So that’s how I get here, asking you for your vote on May 3rd. It would be a privilege to be able to work with local people and to help to make a difference in individual lives and the life of our community as a whole.

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