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Meadway Rec skate park

by merioconnell on 7 November, 2013

Meri and local young people meet the designers to discuss the new skate ramp

Meri and local young people meet the designers to discuss the new skate ramp

Blog piece originally written 26.06.13 and posted on the Greater Reading Lib Dem website


I love good news about Tilehurst and wanted to share with you a meeting that I attended on 24th June with fellow Tilehurst Councillor, Ricky Duveen. Lynne Reynolds from RBC Parks Dept invited local young people to meet with Russ Holbert (one of the Directors and Lead Designers at Maverick – a company that specialises in skate and BMX facilities) at the Meadway Sports Centre, to get design ideas for the proposed skate facility at Meadway Recreation Ground.

The Lib Dem Councillors in Tilehurst have been campaigning for this facility ever since Peter Beard was approached by local lad, Daniel Pike, who wanted Tilehurst to have a skate / BMX park that he and his brother could use without being driven there by their parents. Peter advised them to start a petition and hand it into the Council. They did this, quickly getting over a hundred names supporting the project.

It has taken nearly two years to get from this initial idea to the stage where designs were being sketched out, but last Monday several eager skate fans and BMX riders turned up to do just that. The meeting was further enhanced by the presence of two young people who worked with Earley Town Council to develop the hugely successful skate facilities at Sol Joel Park.

The outcome of the meeting was a design that should suit beginners and more experienced users. We are hoping that work will begin in August and the new facilities at Meadway Recreation ground could be completed by September.

With our new play park and the excellent improvements to the footpaths and ecosystem that the Tilehurst Globe are spearheading in the adjacent Blundells Copse, Meadway Recreation ground is going to become an increasingly attractive destination for dog walkers, families and anyone who wants a taste of nature in the heart of Tilehurst.

All Tilehurst Councillors have worked together with RBC on improving facilities for young people to play and learn outdoors. it’s been a lovely collaborative project to work on and will improve the health and wellbeing of local kids.

Cllr Meri O’Connell

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