Go Local On a Better Environment (Tilehurst Globe)

by merioconnell on 7 November, 2013

Meri and her children pose in front of the Wellingtonia she helped plant at the Triangle

Meri and her children pose in front of the Wellingtonia she helped plant at the Triangle

Blog originally written on 21.03.12 and posted on the Reading Lib Dem website

I have recently had the pleasure of helping out at a couple of events run by the Tilehurst Globe and thought I would share them. I’m always impressed by individuals who are motivated enough about something that they give up their spare time for free and get out and do things. Most of us talk about what should be done to make our world a better place, but these people actually make change happen.

Firstly the Tilehurst Globe organised the planting of the Landmark trees up at the Triangle. I think most people who have seen them agree that they are already making our shared space at the Triangle more attractive. It will be lovely once they are big enough to provide shade in the summer months and a place to put Christmas lights in the winter.

I was proud to have the chance to help Globe members dig the hole for the Redwood to go into. It was a really frosty morning and I was the only member of the public to turn up at 11am. My back garden will testify to my lack of horticultural talents, but I hope that whatever I lacked in skill was made up for with enthusiasm (my shoulders certainly thought they had worked hard the following day!)

Peter Beard told me that the turn out later in the day was much better and that the planting ceremony in the afternoon was excellently attended (well done to those schools that let their pupils out early to have the chance to attend and meet an Olympian!). I love the idea that my children will grow up alongside these living landmarks.

Having had a good time at the tree planting I decided to join in with the Rescue event that The Globe hosted in Tilehurst. It was these clean up events that first made me notice the work that the Globe does locally and encouraged me to get on their mailing list. I thought it would be a wonderful thing for the whole family to get involved with. I was right.

The children loved exploring a new hidden away spot in our neighbourhood. They quickly got the knack of spotting bits of litter amongst the trees and bushes and then grabbing it with the special grabbers that were provided. There was a real sense of achievement when it was agreed that the area we had tidied was done. The children could see the results of their hard work (and thoroughly enjoyed the ice-creams that I felt were small reward for their working up a healthy glow). Being part of the clean up gave me a chance to answer their questions about why people litter and what we can all do as individuals to help keep things nice.

I would recommend that anyone with a bit of spare time and an enthusiasm for keeping their local area looking nice should contact the Tilehurst Globe (they have a notice board next to the library) and get involved. I know from personal experience that they will make you feel welcome.

Thank you Tilehurst Globe!

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